New Webinar! Avoid Burnout when working with trauma. More information


Sede avalada por el Brief Therapy Center de Palo Alto; traemos a México la calidad de los entrenamientos presenciales y virtuales que durante años y con tanta eficacia hemos implementado desde Brief Therapy Center.

Sobre nuestro modelo

El Brief Therapy Center comenzó en 1967 en el Mental Research Institute (MRI) en Palo Alto, CA, como un proyecto de investigación de Richard Fisch en colaboración con John Weakland y Paul Watzlawick (John Haley y Don Jackson también participaron al principio). Su idea: cultivar un método de terapia rápido y efectivo, lo que actualmente conocemos como Terapia Breve de Resolución de Problemas. Hoy, el Centro de Terapia Breve continúa como la institución líder en la promoción y divulgación de esta forma de terapia.

Gracias a su eficiencia, este método ha ganado una gran popularidad a nivel mundial; profesionales de todo el mundo vienen a nuestras instalaciones y participan en nuestras capacitaciones para mejorar sus habilidades terapéuticas.

Servicios locales

Esto es lo que puedes encontrar en el BTC de México


Every team member offers therapy services, nationally and internationally. Call us!


Practice makes perfect! We offer small group and individual supervisions so that you can become good at what you do. Help your. Mostly online but inquire about face to face options.

Donec dictum est ut ante ultricies.

Conoce a nuestro equipo

Estos son los profesionales que componen el equipo de BTC México

Clara Solís

I liked psychology since middle school. Upon arriving at the university I confirmed that I made the right choice. In the sixth semester I studied the clinical area and met the family therapy and th...

Pedro Vargas Ávalos

My first contact with the Palo Alto Brief Therapy model was through the reading of Gregory Bateson and his Double Link hypothesis during the third year of the career. My interest was to understand ...

Clara Solís

I liked psychology since middle school. Upon arriving at the university I confirmed that I made the right choice. In the sixth semester I studied the clinical area and met the family therapy and th...

Pedro Vargas Ávalos

My first contact with the Palo Alto Brief Therapy model was through the reading of Gregory Bateson and his Double Link hypothesis during the third year of the career. My interest was to understand ...

Clara Solís

I liked psychology since middle school. Upon arriving at the university I confirmed that I made the right choice. In the sixth semester I studied the clinical area and met the family therapy and th...

Pedro Vargas Ávalos

My first contact with the Palo Alto Brief Therapy model was through the reading of Gregory Bateson and his Double Link hypothesis during the third year of the career. My interest was to understand ...

Sign up for our
latest workshop!

Wear your Problem-Solving Brief Therapy tool kit to avoid Burnout when working with trauma

Sign up for our
latest workshop!

Wear your Problem-Solving Brief Therapy tool kit to avoid Burnout when working with trauma



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